Sunday, March 25, 2012

Silence is Deadly

 I remain a firm believer that children who are over weight usually grow up having a hard time losing any of it, if any at all. I was such a positive child and even through all the bad I had to live by, I refused to recognize it. I managed to cope through the trauma of it without ever knowing I was coping, and that was raiding the cupboards for some snack to eat.
 It wasn’t until I reached middle school that I began to steal food late at night. I thought about it when I got home, and it stayed with me obsessively till I managed to snag something I knew was terrible for me once my dad was asleep.
 It honestly still shocks me that it took me this long to understand what I had started, and the result of this bad habit that is one of the things I regret. Middle school had been my breaking point. I stopped eating, stopped talking, and couldn’t sleep. I became this hateful little girl that hated herself and the world all at once. The world was my enemy, and therefore my life had really lost all its meaning. I stopped working and become a compulsive liar. It all came to hit me that this long battle with in me had finally reached my head and kicked my ass so hard that I couldn’t get back up.
 After 6 months, I was a wreck. This led me to looking at myself in the mirror for hours at a time and hating what I saw to the point where the marble counter became my punching bag. I tried everything, and my obsession with death and fire only managed to increase. I was hoarding candles, so I could light them in my closet and have it burn my skin slowly. I was intelligent enough not to cut my wrist because it left scars, and I wasn’t about to have some one notice I needed some help. I wasn’t looking for attention, it was the exact opposite. After I had gotten out of it..well, I thought I had improved.
 Until my maintained weight of 150 started increasing week after week. I started binging on food till I would be puking it out because my stomach simply couldn’t take it in anymore. It was my pure obsession with it that helped me live through those same urges I started so long ago. I had to admit to myself that I was traumatized. I was sick. I had a mental illness.
 A year later, I know what exactly is wrong with me. Due to my pure neglect I gained more problems from my original ones. I have a sleeping disorder that I have luckily managed to find natural sleeping aides for me, I have a long standing depression that only worsens, extreme anxiety that leaves me a recluse, and an eating disorder that is killing me physically.
 I am stuck in this place where I have no support from the world around me, and I feel nothing for the sake of continuing on with my day. Being alone is helping me manage my guilt. I need to be alone to keep calm but I hate being alone.
 In truth, I am a complete mess. Highly capable of being called insane, and am assuredly not healthy enough to be living in society.


  1. I have personally found that anxiety and depression go hand in hand. When anxiety comes, it can be all consuming, and since it seems to be uncontrollable it causes the depression to come. I have also found that when this happens it usually means that I am not living in the "now" and going into the "past", which I can not change. It has taken me several years to become fully conscious of this, and only then has a change happened for me. Just sharing some thoughts. I do love your writings. You are wonderful at expressing yourself and very clear and concise. Keep it up! Much love to you my friend.

    1. Thank you for the reply. I have missed your company. It seems the last few times you tried to visit I was gone.

  2. Yes, you were but our time will come again to visit and hug and chat no worries... <3
