Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lesson On Adulthood

   I have never been one to hold onto my previous years. I always hated being a child. I would look far ahead in my years and say, I want to be there right now. And in doing so it seems now that it has come to where I am exactly what I was wishing I was as a kid, I am mentally prepared for it all.

    Maybe it was luck, I really don't know. But I have been ready for this for many years, and the only things holding me back from already achieving it is still trying to get through these last few months left and getting my life started.

   I always was ready. And in the easiest way, all I had to do was let go of the dependence I had on everyone around me. I stopped looking to my parents, family, and friends for help. Instead of waiting around for some one to give me the answer, I just figured it out myself. And that kind of action helped me realize how much more relieving it is to not need any body for those answers.

   There are times I forget to keep this independence. And yes, I may ask some one for help I know I can find myself because I get lazy. Laziness kills my independence. But I have to remind myself that I am not a child. I am a woman with a functioning brain and plenty of common sense to make it through just fine without their help. I only need to ask for help when it comes to things I may not know, such as the confusing act of paying bills and when you know you owe taxes..I still have no idea.

   But everything else, including MY FUTURE, is all up to me. So if I am having a bad day, I get up anyways with my head up high and do what I have to do to get it done. There is always time to think about it and mope only a little later. But right now I have things to do so that my complete independence is possible. That is what being a working adult is. It is not any change of mind set, any change in the level of immaturity, or in my case lack there of immaturity, it is the ability to focus on whats needs done.

   I have been told this since I was little, and it works. Personal life and work life do not mix. Right now, school is work. And whatever you may be going through personally CAN NOT reflect how you behave at work. And yes, that includes school. Because reality is, you do that when your work is job or college and you get fired. You don't have some one coddling you till you feel better and you can do it later. They demand it is done now and thats final. And so it is one of my biggest rules that I follow, and try to follow to my best account.

   Never mix PERSONAL LIFE with WORK LIFE.

   It kills everything you work for to get done with things. If only adults and teachers taught school kids this way before they send them off to the real world beyond high school. I happen to have a very loving Uncle, on most days, who has managed to tell me things that most parents can not. He gave me unwanted lectures years and years, and I never really understood why. But now I am finally understanding that I should have been grateful for it.

   Emotions put a persons full potential back, and the world demands every single person work to their fully capable potential. It is an extreme expectation, but exists nonetheless. And in the end, you need it to live a comfortable life. You can say you don't, but that is ignorance on some level.

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