Saturday, July 28, 2012

Human Judgement and Animal Equality: An Experiment

Alright so I tested something today and I thought it was important enought to write about. Now I am a big animal activist. My ideals go way back to when we as humans were equal with the animal species and considered them respectable creatures.

So I thought that I'd ask a simple question on Experience Project. What I asked was this:

"Your in a burning building. There is a child to your left and a puppy on your right. You can only save one. Who?"

Now, before I even talk about the responses I got let me first say that in no way does my own decision mean the other is worthless. But, what I am actually trying to see is how my own opinion can some how bring out the judegement of others. This worked better than I thought it would really.

On this detail box, I said, "This was hard for me, but my gut says the puppy". I was being completely honest and in no way said the child was worthless and didn't DESERVE to be saved.

But, the responses I got were expected. Some said they'd die trying to save both. One said puppy, but they would try to save the child if they could. And the others, well the others said they would without a doubt save the child.

These answers are all respectable. In fact, every one is different. We all have different experiences and views and were not all going to agree. Nothing is a "normal" decision for all humans too choose. And some people in reading that I would save the puppy didn't take it well. In fact, went on to say things like:

"Fuck the dog, humans need to save their own kind. For you to pick a puppy over an innocent child. You need help."

First of all, both are very innocent. That was the point. To take away this idea of innocence and go to instinct of personal favoritism.  And this upset me, but didn't suprise me that of course some one would say the humans need to save their own. As if suggesting we were BETTER than animals. As an activist, I remain with the idea that we are EQUAL. All animals and humans deserve peace and a right to live. And humans in no way trump nature. I would even go to say in some cases nature trumps us more often. Because it gives us life and food and shelter. And we owe it some respect.

Now, I got a second answer saying this:

"I would not hesitate to save the child. It is natural for us to want to save our own."

I have a problem with this also. Saying something is natural is always false when it comes to opinion. Because that would be referring to something being "normal" meaning the average accepted decision of society. But we forget that society does not control our opinions. And I further said that whether or not I am right or wrong does not matter because we both have respectable opinions and we are, again, all different. And this person not only ignored my statement but said for me to go to hell and I probably support abortion as well. This person is exactly why I chose to do this.

The human race has become so civilized according to the expected morals and ideas of society that any differing opinion is seen as immoral and evil. And this produces all the hate and racism and anti-gay and any other judgement that we face now.

I did not mean to offend, nor did I say any thing in the purpose of offending. I simply wanted to see who would answer what. And I was disappointed with the narrow minded answers I got from some people.